It’s time to start gardening
Trellis Smith
Article by Jeniffer Graham, The Dominion Post
KINGWOOD — Spring has sprung and April is National Garden Month. It’s time to pick up your trowel and get gardening, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
West Virginia University Agriculture Extension Agent Bill Shockey said agriculture supply stores are essential and will be open for home gardeners and farmers to buy needed supplies.
“The people who work large plots of land are still on the job,” Shockey said. “Our crop and animal producers are out there every day.”
He said gardeners should not have any problems finding the supplies they need.
“I don’t see getting plants and supplies being a problem,” he said. “The agriculture industry is essential and they need feed and supplies.”
He said he doesn’t know if local farmers markets will be available this year, but believes they will. It was recently announced the Morgantown Winter’s Farmers Market would be canceled for Saturday and April 25.
“If you enjoy gardening, considering expanding your garden this year is not a bad idea,” he said. “Then you can preserve some of your harvest for later.”
Trellis Smith of Modern Homestead in Reedsville said it has made some changes this year.
“We’ve switched to an online store,” he said. “Customers can order what they want, then we will package it and they can pick it up at the curb.”
Smith said the greenhouse is open but no more than five people can go through it at a time. He said this was to keep the distancing suggested by health professionals.
He said customers can find greenhouse plants, perennials, trees and some gift items at the online shop.
“If a customer can’t find what they want at the online store they can call us,” Smith said.
Dave Childs of Childs Feed & Supply in Kingwood said the store is open to customers.
“We’re only allowing up to 10 people in the store at a time,” he said. “If a customer doesn’t feel comfortable coming into the store, we will send someone outside to take their order.”
Childs said a complete line of cold weather plants like onions and cabbage are available. He said tomatoes, peppers and other warm weather plants will be available when the weather warms up more. Seeds, fertilizer, lime and other gardening supplies and equipment are also available.
Shockey said Extension Office personnel are working from home and are still available to answer calls. To contact an extension agent, call 304-329-1391.
For Modern Homestead go to or call 304-864-4333. For Childs Feed & Supply call 304-329-0178.
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