
Magnificent flowering plants featuring blossoms in white, pink, red, purple, or yellow. Magnolia trees are diverse in leaf shape and plant form, and they include both evergreen and deciduous sorts. They aren't usually munched by deer.


'Ann' Magnolia
Flowers later than the star magnolia and thus avoids frost damage to the flower buds. Exquisite, 3 to 4 inch blooms, reddish purple outside and white inside, appear before the foliage buds out. A spectacular specimen or accent. Deciduous.

'Royal Star' Magnolia
An early bloomer with large, fragrant, white, double flowers appearing before the foliage emerges in spring. A spring time thriller will that add a nice touch to the landscape as the seasons progress. Useful as an open-branched, multi-trunked large shrub or as a small specimen tree. Excellent cold and heat tolerance for a magnolia. Deciduous.

Planting Magnolias

For most magnolias, you'll need moist, well-drained soil and moderate to full sun. For early blooming varieties, a little protection from winter winds or frost pockets is advised. Early blooming forms are susceptible to having their blooms damaged by frost in colder climates.

The magnolias discussed above bloom after many northeastern frost dates have passed. Trees can range from 15 to 20 feet to 40 to 50 feet and more, depending on the selection. When grown in suitable conditions, they are relatively fast growing and very easy to grow. There are magnolias that will survive colder climates, and others adaptable to hotter areas. Quite a number can be grown effectively between zones 6 and 8.


2018 Garden Plants


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