The Hottest Peppers on the Planet

This is grow the hottest peppers on the planet! Limited-quantities. 

Screaming Hot Ghost Pepper

Screaming Hot Ghost Pepper

White Lightning

White Lightning

Scorpian Red Venom

Scorpian Red Venom

Buffalo Wing Cayenne

Buffalo Wing Cayenne

Thai Chili

Thai Chili

White Lightning
Peppers are lantern shaped, extremely hot, crunchy and turn from green to creamy white when mature.

Scorpion Red Venom
From the worlds hottest strain. 

Ghost Pepper Screaming Hot
Long held the world record for heat. Hottest peppers.

Buffalo Hot Wing Cayenne
Twice the heat of standard cayenne, great flavor.

Thai Red Dragon
Good fresh or dried, ornamental dried too. Hottest peppers.


Summer Bloom -- Hardy Hibiscus


Harmony Farm Pick-Up Location at Modern Homestead